Take Me To The Beach. 11:53 AM Danas bez pametovanja. Haljina/ dress: non branded Japanke/ flip-flops: iPanema Torba/ bag: Victoria's secret Share This Story Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pin this Post Tags: beach, fashion, fashion blog, iPanema, Milica Sretenovic, modni blog, modni blogovi, ootd, summer, Victoria's secret ← Previous Story Next Story → uneautrechose Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor Aenean massa. You Might Also Like CALLA- Story of white dress: INES A...Take me to Paris #ootd.Let's go to a music festival 4 comments AnonymousAug 12, 2015, 12:17:00 AMPrelepe slike i ti si preslatka :) hahaha, ali "bez pametovanja" :D OBOOZAVAMO kad pametujess :))ReplyDeleteRepliesuneautrechoseAug 24, 2015, 6:32:00 PM#blush #blush #blushDeleteRepliesReplyReplyanonimna čitateljka blogovaAug 21, 2015, 9:55:00 AMHej, gde je ovo fotografisano? :)ReplyDeleteRepliesuneautrechoseAug 24, 2015, 6:32:00 PMCrna Gora, stene kod plaže Mirište :)DeleteRepliesReplyReplyAdd commentLoad more...
Prelepe slike i ti si preslatka :) hahaha, ali "bez pametovanja" :D OBOOZAVAMO kad pametujess :))
ReplyDelete#blush #blush #blush
DeleteHej, gde je ovo fotografisano? :)
ReplyDeleteCrna Gora, stene kod plaže Mirište :)